AWStats is probably one of the few good ones that don’t require client side script installation. It’s installed on the server side and provides comprehensive logs of traffics accessing particular websites. It’s free and if your web host doesn’t have, request them to install.
StatCounter is widely used among most tech non-savvy web owners. It gives real time statistics of your web traffic but the drawback of it is, you will need to pay if your traffics exceed 1,500,000 pagviews a month. Well, if you have that much of traffic you wouldn’t mind paying to continue don’t you?
SiteMeter is another very popular traffic tracking provider. It’s used by a lot of notable websites such as lifehacker, read/write web, gawker, gizmodo, kotaku, etc. And like StatsCounter provides 2 different charges of services; the free and the paid premium. Free services get all basic statistics a webmaster could possibly need but in case you want more comprehensive analysis on your traffics, you will need to get the premium account.
Google Analytics
This is perhaps the most commonly used and most famous web traffic tractor every build. It’s free with functions I’ll take me pages to describe. Google Analytics gives very accurate statistics on not only traffics but also keep track of almost everything a cookie can store (browsers, type of OS, plugins installed, etc) on each unique visitors. It is also used to keep track of Google Adwords performance. And with the new look recently upgraded, it’s certainly better in terms user friendliness and navigation.
What makes Feedburner different from the rest is that it keeps track of traffic coming from feed readers. Feedburner users can show off how many people are currently subscribing to them by displaying a chiklet on websites. Feedburner’s FAN is also the only traffic counter that offers publishers to make a profit from their traffic. With the recent acquisition of Feedburner by Google, it could have just helped Google to strengthen their domination on traffic counter. Google AdSense on Feedburner is what many AdSense publishers looking forward to see after this acquisition.
103bees started off earlier this year but already gain much reputation because they are one among few that concentrates on search engine traffic analyzation. It is one of my favorite tool to measure and check my daily traffic. Check out my reviews on 103bees.
Performancing Metrics
Performancing gives you real time readings of your web traffics however if you want to use it for free for long run, your pageviews/day must not exceed 1000. Upon sign up, Performancing gives you 21days full premium access, after that you will have to pay ($2/month) to continue. If you have high traffic, try using Performancing metrics. If your traffics are among the Top 20, you will earn yourself a PR7 link back from Performancing.com main page.
I fell in love with reinvigorate the first time I encounter it. ReInvigorate has nice interface design with traffic charts nicely placed. It makes charts very understandable, very easy for comparison and analysis. However, it’s currently a beta and only available through invitations. Send in a e-mail and let’s hope they will send you an invitation to try it out.
Spotplex shows you not only real time traffic stats, but also how you rank among bloggers of your niche that use Spotplex plugin. Head over to Spotplex website to check the most popular articles of the day, most popular within specific niche or your Spotplex rank today.
Automattic Statistics For WordPress
Automattic Statistics calculates your traffic within WordPress. However Automattic Statistics resides on WordPress.com’s Dashboard. After installing the plugin, there will be an extra button callBlog Stats that will lead you to your statistics in WordPress.com.
By putting one small OneStats banner on your website, you not only get to see your web traffic but also get to compete against websites from your country in the OneStats chart. OneStats chart is a very good place to gain publicity and its monitor by many webmasters. It’s ranked based on pageviews so it’s a bit unfair as forums and photo albums have a higher pageview rate.
Counterized II For WordPress
Counterize II upgrades from its previous version to give more traffic data. It embedded inside your WordPress Dashboard, giving you traffic information like IP, timestamp, visited URI, referring URI, total hits, unique hits, etc. All you need to do is install the plugin and view your stats inside Dashboard.
MyBlogLog stats shows you where your visitors come from, what they read and where they go, but the most interesting thing about MBL is, it includes the statistics of Google AdSense clicked and their sizes.
CrazyEgg tells you where in your page people are likely to click and the most interesting part is, it gives you a heat map display. Install and test it out yourself.
GoStats provides not only the normal stats we want to see, it also comes with a prediction figure. The tab navigation from text view to graphic view comes simply in handy. Another good visitors tracking system worth checking out.