Getting Stared on the Computer - this 15 minute class from will guide you through the basics, beginning with, "what is a computer" and introducing you to the mouse, keyboard and ports.
New Computer User Tutorial - if you've never touched a computer before, start with this tutorial from TLN Technology Committee in English or En Espanol
Basic Computer Terminology - a pictorial glossary from the Lockhart Public Library.
Using a PC (Windows 7) - This tutorial introduces the desktop, files and folders.
Computer Tutorial for Beginners - learn basic mouse and keyboarding skills, hint: in the United Kingdom a full stop is a period.
Computer Basics - This tutorial is designed to get you started with your home computer and is one of many free and easy to use tutorials from
How to Copy and Paste - view this short video to learn a this useful computer skill. Click here for copy and paste practice.
Mouse Aerobics- become comfortable with the mouse and learn some basic computer skills with this tutorial from the Central Kansas Library System.
Typing Web - lessons for beginners and for those who want to build accuracy and speed. Create a log in if you want to track your progress, or close the log in screen and begin.
Introduction to Windows 8 - an online tutorial from GCF Learnfree to help you adapt to Microsoft's latest version of Windows.
Using Microsoft Windows - a basic overview of Windows 7, XP & 98 from, a nonprofit organization which provides free learning in over 750 subjects.
Using a Mac - Get started with an Apple Computer using the OS X operating system using this tutorial
Get Started with Microsoft Word - choose your version of Word and get started with a tutorial
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