The Mindful Living Guide is a compilation of posts that I’ve written on mindfulness. They show how we can apply mindfulness to our bodies, minds, spirits, relationships, finances and careers.
What is mindfulness? Basically, it’s slowing down enough to notice all the little things inside and around us without judgment. While this sounds simple, it can be difficult in the world today.
All that I’ve written here is based on my own life experiences. Some of those experiences have been positive and some negative but I’ve learned from all of them. I’m hoping to shorten your learning curve with the gift of this book.

Most of these programs left out some key questions that you have to ask yourself before even thinking about putting together that list. This guide will take you through the process of asking those all-important questions and setting you up for success. No special software or planners required.
After using this guide for a while you’ll soon realize that you’re actually closer to the life you’ve always imagined for yourself.

It is my hope that in this book you will find a spark. The spark that will start the wildfire of freedom that is missing from so many today. Toward that goal, we have brought together seven different bloggers to provide their view of freedom and what you can do to find it. Because freedom is as personal and unique as each of us, the chapters in this book differ widely. This book is not meant to be read from beginning to end. Rather it is a collection of short essays on freedom and some of the many ways you can work towards achieving your own.
As you read through the chapters in this book, some may seem foreign to you. Some may seem almost familiar and, hopefully, at least one will resonate with you, lighting the spark of a new idea. The idea that you can find the freedom that you are seeking.