(All apps/resources are free unless otherwise noted.)

29 interactive structures that can be rotated in 3D space. Each structure contains information on associated functions, disorders, brain damage, etc.
3D4Medical's Images - iPad

Over 400 medical images and 40 videos developed using 3D computer software.

A multipurpose medical calculator to: 1) Analyse arterial blood gasses 2) Output a recommended FIO2 3) Perform hemodynamic calculations utilizing the Fick principle.
AccessEmergency Medicine (MCW Affiliates Only)

Continuously updated online service that allows users to quickly search the diagnosis & treatment of a broad range of emergency cases with emergency medicine texts and references.
Notes: In order to access self-assessment questions and to save images, create a personal MyAccess account.
***Due to technical issues with the upgraded platform, not all content may be currently available to mobile device users.***
AccessMedicine (MCW Affiliates Only)

Provides students, residents, clinicians, researchers, and all health professionals with access to more than textbooks including Harrison's, Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, and Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas.
Notes: In order to access self-assessment questions and to save images, create a personal MyAccess account.
***Due to technical issues with the upgraded platform, not all content may be currently available to mobile device users.***
AccessPediatrics (MCW Affiliates Only)

An integrated online resource with a broad range of content that covers the entire span of pediatric practice, from neonatology through adolescent medicine. Organized around a set of Core Topics developed by an advisory board of renowned pediatricians.
Notes: In order to access self-assessment questions and to save images, create a personal MyAccess account.
***Due to technical issues with the upgraded platform, not all content may be currently available to mobile device users.***
AccessSurgery (MCW Affiliates Only)

A comprehensive resource for surgery education that provides textbooks, videos, animations, a differential diagnosis tool, interactive board review, and more. Organized around the accepted ACGME's (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education) Core Curriculum, AccessSurgery delivers content in context.
Notes: In order to access self-assessment questions and to save images, create a personal MyAccess account.
***Due to technical issues with the upgraded platform, not all content may be currently available to mobile device users.***

Clinical practice guidelines from the American College of Physicians & the American Society of Internal Medicine. There is also a mobile ACP-ASIM website.
Adobe Reader

Allows you to view and interact with PDF documents.

The Electronic Preventive Services Selector (ePSS) is a quick hands-on tool designed to help primary care clinicians identify the screening, counseling, and preventive medication services that are appropriate for their patients./p>
Anesthesia Clinical Tutor and Calculator

Designed to teach and simplify the calculations that are involved in the practice of Anesthesia. A paid premium version is also available.
AnkiMobile Flashcards

AnkiMobile is a paid companion to the free computer program, for use on Apple devices. $24.99 on iTunes App Store. AnkiDroid developers (a separate group) decided to make the Android version free (as it's based off the free desktop code).

An app bargain guide (sales, free apps) for iOS and Android devices.
Archimedes (medical calculator)

Access 70 formulas by alphabetical listing, category listing or historical listing.
BMI Calculator

The National Heart Blood and Lung Institute's BMI calculator.
Calculate by QxMD

More than 150 clinical calculators and decision support tools.

Google Chrome allows for fast, simple Internet browsing. Includes privacy features and Sign-in synchronization with your Google account. MCW Students should use the Chrome browser for connecting to the Audience Response System.
CINAHL (MCW Affiliates Only)

Choose CINAHL from the list of available databases. Provides authoritative coverage of the literature related to nursing and allied health. More than 2,900 journals are indexed and full text is available for nearly 600 journals.
Citrix Receiver

Access your desktop's apps and data from any device.

A differential diagnosis tool that allows you to browse by organ system, symptoms, or diseases. Contains 1,000+ differential diagnoses. $1.99 on the Apple Store and via Google Play, free on Palm, Blackberry, and Windows Mobile.
Dictionary from Merriam-Webster

Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Eleventh Edition. Free and premium versions available.

Combines screencasting, desktop control and an interactive whiteboard in one app.
Dragon Dictation

An suite of easy to use voice recognition applications powered by Dragon NaturallySpeaking that allows you to easily speak and instantly see your text or email messages.

Save photos, documents and videos. Any file you save to your Dropbox account is accessible from all of your computers, iPhone, iPad and the Dropbox website.

Designed for use at the point of care, providing best available evidence and updated daily. Available free to all Medical College of WI faculty, students and staff through the Libraries' subscription to DynaMed. Contact asklib@mcw.edu for a serial number. (DynaMed serial numbers are valid for only one year. When the serial number expires after one year, you will need to acquire a new serial number and download the program once again to your mobile device in order to receive updates.)
ECG Pocket Reference

A library of detailed ECG tracings, expandable for zoom, notes explaining the clinically relevant features of each ECG, and a quiz to test interpretive skills.
Echocardiography Atlas by Epocrates

250 annotated images and 189 videos of normal and abnormal echocardiograms.
Epocrates Rx

Drug and prescribing information. Sections include drugs, diseases, interaction check, pill ID, calculators, tables, and patient resources.

Eponyms brings a short description of more than 1,500 common and obscure medical eponyms (e.g., Rovsing's sign, Virchow's node). A perfect tool to quickly look up the meaning of any eponym.
Essential Evidence Plus (MCW Affiliates Only)

Mobile optimized evidence-based tool that searches ten databases to provide "just-in-time" information.

Take notes, capture photos, create to-do-lists, record voice reminders and sync these notes across all of your computers and devices.
Eye Chart Pro by Dok LLC

A randomizable visual acuity exam of Snellen and Tumbling E charts.

This productivity site is an RSS feed reader and tool for keeping up with other websites, including Google News. It helps "curious minds curate and consume their digital world." Apps the work with feedly accounts are available on many mobile and desktop platforms.
First Consult (MCW Affiliates Only)

First Consult is an authoritative evidence-based resource. Designed for use at point of care, it provides access to information on evaluation, diagnosis, clinical management, prognosis, and prevention.
Notes: To create your required individual account, click on ClinicalKey from All E-Resources. You will use your ClinicalKey account to access the First Consult app. You must be on-campus to create an account.

GoodReader® is the super-robust highly-rated PDF reader with advanced reading and annotating capabilities. Reviews worldwide hail it as “essential,” “the best,” “magnificent” and “the killer app”. GoodReader can open virtually anything, anywhere: books, movies, maps, pictures, etc. can be opened, annotated, and shared. $4.99 on the iTunes App Store.
Harrison's Online (MCW Affiliates Only)

Online version of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine (18th ed.) and many related and derived resources such as links to late-breaking clinical trial data, atlases, lecture notes, procedure videos, and self-assessment tests. Continuously updated.
Notes: In order to access self-assessment questions and to save images, create a personal MyAccess account.
***Due to technical issues with the upgraded platform, not all content may be currently available to mobile device users.***
iAnnotate PDF

Use iAnnotate to read, mark up, and share PDF, DOC, PPT and image files. $9.99 on the iTunes App Store. "Lite" version is free for Android devices.

Download and read books via Apple's ebook reader app.

Browse and view 3D protein and DNA structures from the Protein Data Bank, and drug molecules from the DrugBank. $0.99 from the iTunes App Store; available to M1s without cost through AirWatch "MCW Applications" (paid for with the student technology fee). "Lite" version is free for Android devices.

Amazon's Kindle eBook reader has the largest library of titles and the most cross-platform support on the market. Kindle's "Whispersync" lets users start reading on one device and pick up right where they left off on another.
Lieberman's iRadiology

Over 500 images of radiological findings of various abnormalities.

Access your LinkedIn account via your mobile device. LinkedIn is a social networking site for people in professional positions.

Medical translation with phrases written and reviewed by physicians and recorded by hospital based interpreters.
MedlinePlus Mobile

MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health's Web site for patients and their families and friends. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, it brings you information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand. MedlinePlus offers reliable, up-to-date health information, anytime, anywhere, for free.
The Medical Letter

Access the latest issues of The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics and Treatment Guidelines from the Medical Letter. Click on Mobile Apps and register for access using the provided form. Then download the app for your device.

A database of drug information, disease clinical references, clinical images and procedure videos, drug interaction tool plus CME activities.

A group of mobile apps from Micromedex, the database of unbiased drug info that identifies ingredients for hundreds of thousands of commercial, pharmaceutical and biological substances.
Micromedex apps are available via iTunes and Google Play. "Micromedex Drug Information," "Micromedex Drug Interactions" and "Micromedex IV Compatibility" require passwords which are available to MCW faculty and students via the Micromedex 2.0 web page - click on the "mobileMicromedex" link at the top of the Micromedex page to access the password and get installation instructions.
Netter's Anatomy Atlas for iPad

This iPad only app includes the complete set of the 531 Netter Plates from the 5th edition Atlas of Human Anatomy, illustrated by master medical illustrator Frank H. Netter, MD. The app is further enhanced with a suite of quizzing and customization features. $45.99 from the iTunes App Store; available to M1s without cost through AirWatch "MCW Applications" (paid for with the student technology fee).

Notability integrates handwriting, PDF annotation, typing, recording, and organizing into one note-taking app. $2.99 on the iTunes App Store.
OMBID (MCW Affiliates Only)

An essential resource that provides comprehensive coverage of the genes and genetic mechanisms underlying human disease states. It is based on the world’s most respected book on the subject, Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease.
Notes: In order to access self-assessment questions and to save images, create a personal MyAccess account.
***Due to technical issues with the upgraded platform, not all content may be currently available to mobile device users.***
PDF Expert

Read and annotate PDF documents. Also allows users to fill out PDF forms on their devices. $9.99 on iTunes App Store.

Designed for those people who are looking for a full-featured PDF annotating, form-filling & note-taking app. PDF Max provides all features you need for an everyday PDF & note-taking app in one place. Free version with in-app purchases or pro version for $9.99 on the iTunes App Store; $7.16 on Google Play.

A note-taking app for iPads only that provides the natural experience of writing on paper, with the added power and availability of Evernote. Take notes, keep sketches, or share ideas from anywhere.
Psychiatry Online Mobile (MCW Affiliates Only)

Access to DSM-V®, American Journal of Psychiatry, and the Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, 6th Edition. Includes collection of psychiatry references, books, journals and self-assessment tools.
pubget Mobile

Search engine for PDFs in the life sciences. It indexes nearly 20 million life science research documents, including those in PubMed®.
PubMed for Handhelds

A website for searching Medline with the web browser of any mobile device. Links are provided directly to free app versions in the iTunes App Store and Google Play.

Create and edit Microsoft Office documents, spreadsheets, and presentations on your device. Requires a Google account.
Radiology 2.0

A series of cases that simulates CTs from a PACS workstation. Includes discussions. Separate versions of the app exist for iPhones and iPads.
RefWorks (MCW Affiliates Only)

Web-based bibliography and database manager that allows users to create their own personal database by importing references from text files or online databases.
Notes: Requires the creation of a user account from the desktop site; a group code is required if registering from off campus. Learn more at MCW Libraries RefWorks.
REMM Mobile

Radiation Event Medical Management System contains selected sections on how to diagnose & treat during mass casualty radiological/nuclear events. Includes just-in-time, evidence-based, usable information for those without formal radiation medicine expertise and web-based information that is also downloadable in advance.

Respond to interactive TurningPoint polling questions during an MCW class or presentation via an iPhone or iPod Touch (an Android version is also available).
SciVerse Scopus Alerts (MCW Affiliates Only)

Application provides mobile access to the Searching and Alerting features of Scopus. Scopus is a database containing journal articles in medicine, science, technology, and the social sciences.
Notes: Requires the creation of a user account on the desktop Scopus web site.
Scriver's OMMBID (MCW Affiliates Only)

An essential resource that provides comprehensive coverage of the genes and genetic mechanisms underlying human disease states. It is based on the world’s most respected book on the subject, Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease.
Notes: In order to access self-assessment questions and to save images, create a personal MyAccess account.
***Due to technical issues with the upgraded platform, not all content may be currently available to mobile device users.***
Shots 2014

Shots 2014 is a quick reference guide to the 2014 Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedules, a collaboration of the ACIP, AAP and AAFP, and the 2014 Adult Immunization Schedule, recommended by the ACIP. Details on each vaccine are available by clicking on the vaccine names.
Skeletal Anatomy 3D - Quiz and Reference

Test your knowledge of 140 bones and landmarks. Includes nine 3D models, 12 diagrams, hundreds of images, and video. $2.99 on iTunes Store.

Mark up photos, screenshots, maps, and webpages and then share them. Part of the Evernote family of apps.

A platform that provides access to the following free resources: Outlines in Clinical Medicine, Archimedes Medical Calculator, RxDrugs, and MedAlert™. Also has many other monographs and tools for purchase within the app.
STAT!Ref (MCW Affiliates Only)

A mobile site containing the searchable full-text of numerous primary care textbooks.
Notes: Mobile app versions also available. Please see STAT!Ref Mobile Access for more information and instructions on how to authenticate the mobile apps. Once authenticated, the preferences-based login can be used for 90 days, after which you must click the "Activate/Renew" button from the temporary login account screen in order to authenticate again.
Thieme E-Book Library (MCW Affiliates Only)

This product is a resource for learning, review, and research in medicine and the life sciences. Follow Mobile Download Instructions in order to read the books offline. You will be able to download the full text of titles covering anatomy, basic sciences, clinical sciences and radiology to your device.
Notes: Although the instructions indicate that the app/books will only work on tablets, testing on iPhones by MCW Libraries has worked.
Unbound Medicine

While most products are not free, Unbound Medicine offers one of the largest collections of textbooks and clinical tools including Harrison's Manual of Medicine and many pocket guides.
UpToDate (MCW Affiliates Only)

Mobile optimized website access available via MCW campus wireless only - no off-campus access. UpToDate apps are available for individual subscribers.
VisualDx (MCW Affiliates Only)

A unique mobile and desktop application for diagnostic accuracy, patient engagement, and medical education. All Medical College of Wisconsin, Children’s Hospital, and Froedtert Health faculty, students, and staff can access this powerful tool featuring more than 25,000 medical images and specialist-level knowledge to help diagnose, treat, and manage over 1,200 visually identifiable diseases, drug reactions, and infections.
Notes: Requires the creation of a user account on the desktop VisualDx web site.
WebEx by Cisco

Connect to web meetings and conferences on your mobile device.

Look up symptoms, treatments, first aid, and basic drug information.
Wikipedia Mobile

Free crowd-sourced encyclopedia containing more than 20 million articles.

Designed to assist first responders in hazardous material incidents. Provides a wide range of information on hazardous substances, including substance identification support, physical characteristics, human health information, and containment and suppression advice.

Yammer is an enterprise social network that makes your job easier and more productive. It brings together employees, content, conversation, and business data in a single convenient location.
Notes: You will need to use your MCW email for setup. Scroll down to the list of apps and click on the "Yammer" tab to see the mobile app options.